Is science finally catching up with the Bible?
In Question Everything: Ancient Truths, Modern Science, A.G. Walp PhD, DMin, EDS, a veteran police detective turned scholar, embarks on a captivating investigation into whether modern scientific discoveries align with biblical accounts. Using his investigative skills, Dr. Walp takes a fresh look at ancient scripture through a scientific lens. He explores key questions: Does the biblical flood align with geological evidence in sedimentary rock and ice cores? Can radiometric dating methods challenge or confirm the Bible's account of the earth’s age? Are miracles simply quantum phenomena? Is free will shaped by epigenetics? Join Walp as he searches for where fact and faith intersect, challenging assumptions and encouraging readers to think critically. In the end, the conclusions are yours to draw. Will science support what ancient texts have long claimed? Download your copy from your favorite book retailer!
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ “As a former educator in this field, I found that Dr. Walp's book was incredibly written and his hours of research on this subject is evident in every word in the book.” — Amy Watson, MBA; BS Biology
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ “Excellent read. I love reading books concerning Christianity that are written from a legal perspective, as they speak to my need for intellectual food.” — Goodreads
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ A must-read for anyone who wants to have a well-informed opinion of scientific topics in discussion rather than be led around by a ring in the nose or sway in the wind of prevailing opinion. — AVP
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ “The chapter on epigenetics was especially interesting and enlightening.” — AVP
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ “Excellent read. I love reading books concerning Christianity that are written from a legal perspective, as they speak to my need for intellectual food.” — Goodreads
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ A must-read for anyone who wants to have a well-informed opinion of scientific topics in discussion rather than be led around by a ring in the nose or sway in the wind of prevailing opinion. — AVP
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ “The chapter on epigenetics was especially interesting and enlightening.” — AVP
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Is the resurrection of Jesus Christ fact or fiction? Have you ever thought that the idea of a man rising from the dead is hard to believe? Resurrection (Fact or Fiction) by Dr. Walp dissects evidence provided by atheists, which make the seemingly impossible, simply improbable. Nothing in our scientific, historical, or rational grasp leads us to accept such a story, and it is foolish to believe…unless it’s true. Download your FREE copy and share!
The headlines are clear; the world is a mess.
Most people around the world are concerned with wars, rumors of wars, and apocalyptic-like droughts, diseases, and disasters. We have a lot to do to help many in need while spreading the gospel to a dying world. Despite these disturbing realities, many within Christendom argue over the unessential. Calvinism versus Arminianism is one such persistent and contentious position. While the issue has some relevance, it should never cause dissension among the Bride of Christ. This simplistic cross-examination of Romans Nine, the scripture many call the core of Calvinism, demonstrates the answer may not be "either/or," but both. No matter which way you pull, my prayer is that the struggle only serves to strengthen the knot, the bond of Jesus Christ that makes us a family. Only $2.99 on Amazon (FREE with Kindle Unlimited) |