Question Everything Is Now Available!
Science is finally catching up with the Bible... Dr. Walp spent his early adult years as a police detective. During those years, Walp’s investigative motivation was understanding truth from an empirical standpoint, not conjecture or a “gut feeling.” Question Everything delves into controversial topics within the scientific world concerning creationism: God or nature, radiometric dating methods, quantum physics, dark energy/mass, String Theory, cosmology, Epigenetics, fossils, and others. Walp dismisses individual perceptions and, like the detective he once was, dissects and analyzes theoretical science to determine fact from theory. A crowd can point at a suspect and say, “He did it,” but the detective has to prove it. Walp encourages readers to think, not what to think. “Question with boldness even the existence of a God; because, if there be one, he must more approve of the homage of reason, than that of blindfolded fear.” Thomas Jefferson Download from your favorite book retailer!
Video Series: Why are there Mountains in our Lives?